sUnit Blog
insights on software development
Use structured logging for log search and analytics
Logging is being followed in software development since long. Structured logging provides meaning to logs and helps not only just for debugging, but for reporting, monitoring and alerting, performance benchmarking and with analytics as well.
Sep 6, 2014
Guidelines for Structuring Automated Tests
In every project, these questions come up - what kind of automated tests should we write? What is the right level of testing? How much of test coverage is "good enough"? I would like to share guidelines that I've found to be useful for planning and building test automation suite for my project.
Jul 22, 2014
Using TDD to Influence Design
After hearing the discussion about TDD by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck and DHH. I thought of putting down my 2 cents about TDD - why I follow it, and why I find it useful as a thought process for solving design problems.
Jun 6, 2014
Zero downtime using blue-green deployment strategy
Zero downtime during application deployment is one of the key requirements for continuos delivery. And no business would like their site to be down and showing maintenance page every few days/weeks during deployment.
Oct 23, 2013
Building highly scalable and performance application using non-blocking architecture
Article shows the modern way of building websites using non-blocking architecture pattern. Why this style of architecture is beneficial and what are the frameworks available to implement.
May 7, 2013
Cross functional requirements
It is always been difficult to identify stories for cross functional requirement (XFR) a.k.a NonFunctional requirements (NFR) during inception (2-3 weeks of project kick-off/initiation phase). Here is the technique to do that in short 2-3 weeks project inception.
May 4, 2013
Why responsive web design?
Objective of this blog post is look into the history and learn what problem we try to solve with RWD.
Feb 12, 2013
Data Anonymization techniques, Blacklist and Whitelist?
In this post I describe the two techniques used for data anonymization, Blacklist and Whitelist. Blacklist is easy to implement and get started, whereas Whitelist is more secure and preferred.
Sep 4, 2012
Data Anonymization, need for every site in production
Afraid of getting production data due to privacy issues. Data Anonymization tool can help you to build anonymized production data dump to use for performance and security testing, debugging production issues and development purpose.
Sep 4, 2012
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Jul 13, 2012